What are the factors which influences the distribution of the WORLD POPULATION ?

Hello, friends, I am back with some more interesting geofacts, ok let's begin

Broadly the factors which influence the distribution of the population can be divided into two parts.
the Human factors & Physical(Natural) Factors that affect the distribution of Population.

1-Physical(natural) factors :  

  • Relief features(Landforms of the Earth): what type of region it is? is it Mountainous, plains, plateaus or coastal region?
  • Climate: is there a comfortable climate or extreme climatic conditions?
  • Soils: is there a fertile soil or unfertile soil on the land?
  • Most important the availability of water: is that water source is drinkable or not?

2-Human factors :

  • Political: Is there a stable government or a social and political unrest?
  • Social & Religious: should I or should I not to live with different ethnic groups? am I ready for the cultural shock? Should I or should I not to live with people of different religion?
  • Economical: is there a good job opportunity or good civic amenities? Am I running toward or running away from pull and push factors.
So these were the factors which influence the distribution of the world population.
Now, as a matter of fact, we humans being are capable of building technologies to understand & conquered the complexities of the surroundings, therefore the technology has enabled us to colonize six of the Earth's seven continents and adapt to almost all climate conditions (pleasant to worse).
You may observe that the distribution of human population is not very uniform on the earth's lithosphere.We humans being at present with a population of over 7 bn & are among the most numerous of the large mammals.

Some interesting facts :
  • Asia with its 4.3bn inhabitants accounts for 60% of the world population.
  • Reminder lives in the hands of  America which account for 14%, Africa 14%, Europe 11%, Oceania 0.5%.
  • The world population just reached 7.6 bn as of mid-2017.
  • The world’s population is growing by 1.10%per year, or approximately an additional 83 m people annually.
  • The global population is expected to reach 8.6 bn in 2030, 9.8 bn in 2050 and 11.2 bn in 2100.


Hmmm! Yes, We the human being (homo sapiens) are the best creation of nature because we are one of the most intelligent species in this Milky Way Galaxy (till now) capable of doing almost everything to this Mother earth 'Nourishing the planet to destroying the planet'.
As a matter of facts.It took thousands of years to increase our intelligence by our high cognition, self-awareness, motivation, problem-solving & making decisions attitude which helps us to adapt ourselves according to the situation.
