The journey of Human Evolution: "FROM STONE AGE TO SPACE AGE"

The journey of Human Evolution:

Hello ,

This is Rahul once again today I'm going to talk about The journey of Human Evolution: from Stone age to the Space age.
Without any further ado let's begin with a Geofacts Q&A.


The first human appeared between 5-7 million years ago in Africa (Bipedals).

We the Humans one of best creation of the mother nature, as compared to all other species of the earth.Till now we've conquered all the species of this earth by using our Intelligence & adaptability towards the environment (even in an extreme climatic condition we survived and keep growing in numbers).
As far as modern humans is concerned we are now so highly evolved that we have puzzled out all the complexity & challenges given by the nature to us,but it was not that much easy for our ancestors (the early man) to do the same, For them innovating something was truly a very slow and steady process. It took years to learn for early humans to figured out how to create fire?
But they solved this Puzzle given by Nature: by striking two different rock. so discovery & innovation for them was a quite slow process, step by step they learn by their mistakes and ultimately resolve almost all the complexity of the natural surrounding, that's why we call them or us as (THE WISE MEN).
This video will help you to understand the intelligence of animals: Capuchin monkeys using stone tools.

Anatomically speaking: The more modern groups of human (upright-walking species) first evolved within the last 300,000 years ago in Africa continent.

Gradually the evolution of human intelligence begins and started reshaping our understanding of  Nature & surroundings, as a result, the modern humans were now able to perform more cognitive, emotional, socialize, motivated & self-aware activities.
The great Apes or hominids indicated significantly some cognitive & Empathic abilities like Acquiring food, Sophisticated hunting strategies & skills which requires cooperations, using symbols and most importantly making tools by using the resources present in the surrounding.

Ok, so its time to add an another Geofacts Q&A:

Neanderthal (the Fire Humans) was the first to use fire in a controlled situation.Which changes the course of human Intelligence ultimately the Human evolution.

So the uses of the Minerals was the key for Human Development which was truly a very long-term process.further, this evolutionary process led to the emergence of anatomically Modern human being (HOMO SAPIENS) as a distinct species of the Hominid family (the Great apes).
Moreover, the use of various types of handmade complex tools from Stones, woods, Bones was the sign of their increased intelligence of Homo sapiens and you are already aware of the utility of those tools specifically.Some of the Monkey like Capuchin(Brazil & Latin America) & Orangutan (Indonesia & Malasia) have mastered in using tools (See the attached Video).
Humans now transforming from individuals to group, family & finally a one big community performing agriculture, animal husbandry & moving towards from temporary to permanent shelters.


Homo habilis was the first human species who appeared in Africa in 2.4 million years ago was first known to make the stone tools.
Stone age tools 

As far as evolution is concerned for the proto-humans the journey of finding various types of resources and utilizing it according to their qualities undergoes with a very slow and complex development process, but gradually our Ancestors succeeded in overcoming these complexities and started making various types of tools out of it from cooking to hunting.

With the introduction of tools, the body morphology of proto-humans changed & reproductive fitness increased.but let me tell you something straight that evolution did not happen overnight, It took approx 4.5 million years for humans to get where we are today.
OK so let's talk about the Space age: here we go

                        - SPACE AGE -

A: Yes! Not now but very soon we human being the most advanced species of the earth going to be the first be to be a multi-planet species by colonizing Mars.

Ok, so the question arises why it is so necessary?

   "COLONIZE PLANETS TO SAVE THE HUMAN RACE"                                                                                 -By PROFESSOR STEPHEN HAWKING.

According to famous physicist Stephen Hawking: "I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be space and that it represents an important life insurance for our future survival, as it could prevent the disappearance of humanity by colonizing other planets".

Guys just imagine for a while that we are living out there and constructed a high-tech civilization on Mars which is 225 million km or 54.6 million km from earth.

In fact, the race to MARS(red planet) is on.
International space agency NASA(National Aeronautics & Space Agency) is working day in & day out to put humans being on the red planet(mangal grah) by 2030.

                                                               - Space X -

While ELON MUSK's (my inspiration) the CEO of SpaceX (USA based private company) an Aerospace manufacturer aerospace transport service company just as our ISRO (in India) 
ELON MUSK & SpaceX hope to create the first city-like colony on MARS by the year 2040.
Further ELON MUSK & SpaceX aerospace company recently makes history with a first-ever Recycled rocket launcher: Falcon 9 rocket booster.

SpaceX: Tweet on 30 March 2017

Elon Musk: SpaceX
Now Question arises where ISRO stands?
 ISRO was established in 1969 and continuously making remarkable progress in the field of space research.ISRO comes under the top 10 space agency of the world.

                                                                         - ISRO -
ISRO (Indian space research organization)  a space agency of G.O.I(government of India) headquarter is in Bengaluru (Karnataka) is also comes under the top 10 space agencies of the world.

Here are the most important achievements of ISRO which has made every India feel proud:

                      - ARYABHATTA:1975 -
India's first Indigenous satellite.It was completely designed and fabricated in India and launched by RUSSIA's Soviet Kosmos-3M rocket from Kapustin Yar on April 19,1975.

                      - IRNSS -Operational name (NAVIC)
                                         IRNSS Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
                                              NAVIC-Navigation with Indian Constellation.

It covers the area of 15000 km around our country.this made our country one of the five countries to have its own navigation system on space. 

                                   - CHANDRAYAAN-1in 2008 -
Launched in oct 22: 2008, It was India's first mission to the moon & was a breakthrough in its space mission as it was one of the only 6 space organization to attempt this.
                                                 (MOM- Mars Orbiter Mission):2013-2014
Our country created the history by became the first country to successfully reach Mars(RED PLANET) in its first attempt readers do you know MOMs was the least budget Mars mission of just Rs.450 crore

                                           (The India national satellite system):2013

INSAT is a series of multi-purpose geostationary satellites.It helped with telecommunications, Broadcasting, Meteorology & search, and rescue operation.
currently, there are 9 INSAT satellites are working.
                             - PSLV-C37 -

Recently ISRO successfully launches 104 satellites in a single flight from PSLV-C37 and created history by lifting off this satellite from Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh ). PSLV -C37 also included the Cartostat-2 series which is India's Earth observation satellite.
PSLV stands for Polar satellite launch vehicle.

                            - GSLV MK III -
further "The successful launching of GSLV(Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle ): Mark III, is the biggest achievement for the ISRO and INDIA.
It can carry 4 tonnes of load. ISRO is further planning to Launch GSLV MK4 which would be able to carry 6 tonnes load.
During Kargil war of 1999, the USA denied  India to use their GPS, so we develop ours on GPS was known as IRNSS-NAVIC now we are no more dependent on the USA.
The further USA also objected the Russia decision to sale Cryogenic engine to India in 1993 by citing provisions of MTCR ( Missile Technology Control Regime) But finally, our country is succeeded to develop its own cryogenic engine.

                                                 - RLV-TD -
RLV-TD stands for Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration programme. It is a series of technology demonstration mission that has been conceived by the ISRO as a first step towards realizing a TSTO two stage to Orbit (Re-usable Launch vehicle) just as Falcon 9 by SpaceX that I have mentioned above, as a matter of fact, RLV-TD is still in prototype stage which successfully took
its first flight in 23 may 2016 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre(Andhra Pradesh).



ISRO one the youngest space organization of the world and has brought laurels for our country in terms of space research technology.
ISRO is continuously setting new milestones at low cost and earned the global repute with reliable quality service.
If I talk about the Global market of Space missions so it is emerging as a Key Player.It had always been a globally competent space agency with NASA, now SpaceX, ROSCOSMOS, ESA, CNSA etc. 
"ISRO has come a long way and it's a long road ahead".

Recently a team of Indian astronomers has discovered an extremely large supercluster of galaxies as big as 20 million billion suns- named SARASWATI so to discover the new Earth-like planet is this universe or COSMOS is not a big deal for Indians scientist, Dream is possible not now but definitely.

That's all for today #Readers :) Thankyou 
Goodbye, sayonara, Auf wiedersehen, Caio, Addio, arrivederci :)
