Important questions for C-X : Geography

  CLASS : X , CHAPTER : 5                                                       MINERALS & ENERGY RESOURCES

Q1-What is placer deposits?
The certain minerals may occur as Alluvial deposits in the sands of the valley floors & the base of hills.These deposits are referred as 'Placer deposits'.

Q2-Why does aluminum metal have great importance?
Aluminium is an important metal because of its quality of extreme lightness, good conductivity & great malleability.

Q3-How do minerals occur in Igneous & Metamorphic rocks?
In Igneous & Metamorphic rocks, minerals may occur in the cracks, Crevices, Fault & Joints.

Q4-Name any Four Iron ore belts found in India? explain the main features of each.
  1. Odisha-Jharkhand belt with sufficient 25% deposits of high-grade haematite ore.
  2. Durg-Bastar-Chandrapur Belt lies in Chattisgarh & Maharashtra also have deposits of high-grade Haematite ore.
  3. Bellary-Chitradurga-Chikmaglur-Tumkur belt possesses large reserves of Iron ore.
  4. Maharastra-Goa belt - Ratnagiri
Q5-How is coal formed? Illustrate the quantities of the four different types of coal found in India?
>COAL is formed due to the compression of plant material over millions of years.the plant & forest were buried underneath the soil due to the natural process such as Flooding.
>Most of the coal was formed during the Carboniferous period.

                                               TYPES OF COALS
  1. Anthracite: Highest carbon content ( 70-90%)
  2. Bituminous: Most popular coal in commercial use, Carbon content (50-70 %)
  3. Lignite: Low-grade brown coal, soft & high moisture content, C.C ( 40 %)
  4. Peat: Very low carbon content ( < 30%) & hight moisture content.

Q5-Why is there a need to conserve minerals?

Minerals resource are very limited in nature so there is need to conserve minerals, here are some followings ways:
1- Slow rate of Formation- We are rapidly consuming mineral resources that required millions of years to be created & concentrated. The geological process of mineral formation is so slow that the rate of replenishment is infinitely small in comparison to the present rate of consumption which in return increasing the fear of energy crisis. 
2-Insignificant Fraction- The total volume of workable mineral deposits is an insignificant fraction, i.e., One percent of the earth's crust.
3-Increasing Cost of Minerals- Rich mineral deposits are our country's extremely valuable continued extraction of ores leads to increasing cost as mineral extraction comes from greater depths which requires Heavy & expensive machinery.
in a result, the prices of Oil & gas is rising & the potential shortages have raised uncertainties about the security of energy supply in future, which in turn has serious repercussions on the growth of the national economy.
4-Impact on the environment- Overuse or overexploitation of minerals especially the non-renewable minerals causing serious environmental concerns(especially air & water pollution). Hence there is a pressing need to use renewable or non-convectional sources of energy at an optimum level.
5-Future Generation- While using our mineral resources we have to keep in mind the need for future generation(sustainable & judicious use of minerals).

Geofacts :

1-Best variety of iron ore / finest iron ore = Magnetite ore (70%)
2-Rock consists of single minerals only- Limestone
3-Koderma Gaya- Hazaribagh belt of Jharkhand & Nellore-Andhra Pradesh are the two mica belts of India.
4-Balghat mines-M.P & Khetri mines - RJ are the two important copper mines of India.


Q1- What are the five factors which affect the location of industries? 

Majorly there are two factors which affect the location of Industries.
1-Physical Factors: 
                         a) Availability of Raw material
                         b)Availability of Power resources 
                         c)Availability of water 
                            d) Climate
2-Human Factors:
                            a)Availability of Labour
                            b)Transportation facilities 
                            c)Plenty of Capital
                            d)Nearness to Market 
                            e)Government Policies
Note: Explanation is mandatory for each type in Long answer type questions, for an explanation, you can leave a comment below in the comment box.

Q2-India is an important iron & steel producing country in the world, yet we are not able to perform to our full potential.Explain by giving the reasons.
A2- (i) Lower productivity of Labour.
       (ii) Shortage of Power. 
       (iii) High costs & limited availability of coking coal.
       (iv) Poor Infrastructure.
       (v) Lower investment in research & development. 

Q3-The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries. "Analyse the statement. 
What is the importance of manufacturing industries?
A3- (i) It reduces dependency on primary sector
       (ii) It creates employment & helps to eradicate poverty 
       (iii) Expands Trade & commerce & bring valuable Foreign exchange
       (iv) Manufacturing goods have a higher value.
       (v) Reduces regional disparities in terms of development.

Note: Explanation is mandatory for each type in Long answer type questions, for an explanation, you can leave a comment below in the comment box.

Q4-Why are the most of the jute mills of India located in Bengal(around Hugli basin)?
A4- Major five reasons :

  1.  The jute industry requires huge quantities of water which is easily available from the Hugli river.       
  2. W.B is the home of jute(Golden Fibre), it produces the highest number of Bales of the jute fiber.
  3. Cheap labor is available from the adjoining states of Bihar, Bengal & Odisha.
  4. If required jute can be easily imported from the adjacent country ( Bangladesh).
  5. Availability of Bank, Insurance facilities.
  6. Cheap transportation facilities (Land & Water) is available: Ports like- Kolkata & Haldia for the export of jute goods.
Q5-Analyse major problems of the cotton textile industry of India.
A5- (i) Problem of Availability of raw material.
       (ii) The problem of the adequate power supply.
      (iii)  Use of Obsolete machinery & need for modernization.
      (iv) High cost & competition in the foreign market.

Note: Explanation is mandatory for each type in Long answer type questions, for an explanation, you can leave a comment below in the comment box.

Geofacts: Cotton textile contributes 14% of the total industrial input of the India. It is the 2nd largest industry after agriculture provides employment to 35 mn persons.

Q6- What is Agro-Based industries?
A6-  (i) This industry derives, its raw material from Agriculture.
       (ii)They generally provide employment in rural areas.
       (iii)This industry mostly produces consumer goods.
       (iv) Ex : Sugar/Jute/Cotton & Textile/Vegetable oil/Silk etc
 a)Today India ranks second worldwide in farm output.
 b) Agriculture and aligned sector like forestry & fisheries accounted for 13.7 % of the GDP          in 2013.
 c) More than 60 % population of India is dependent on Agriculture for their livelihood.

Q7-What is Mineral- Based Industries?
         (i) This industry usually provides employment to both in rural & the urban areas.
         (ii) This industry produces both consumer and value-based goods.
         (iii) These industries derive their raw material from minerals.
         (iv) Ex: Iron & steel ( Heavy industry), Chemical, Cement, Automobile, Electronic,                       Information technology, Shipbuilding etc.
Q8-Why does Chhota Nagpur plateau region has the maximum concentration of Iron & Steel Industry? Explain any three reasons.
A8- (i) The Chhota Nagpur plateau is famous for iron ores.The states of Bihar, W.B, Jharkhand  
             provide the Raw materials.
       (ii) Coal(fossil fuel) which is used as a fuel is another important input is available in this region 
             in plenty.
       (iii) Availability of Cheap labor and the high population is adjacent regions.
       (iv) The Damodar valley corporation( DVC) provides power to these plants.
       (v) The export & Import facility is provided by Kolkata port & Pradip port.

Q9-Evaluate the major problems of Iron & steel industry of India.
A9- Five major reasons :

  1. Lack of capital 
  2. Low productivity
  3. Shortage of metallurgical coal
  4. Inferior quality of products
  5. Shortage of power

           Role of Information technology
                       in Modern India
IT( information technology) it's popular & specialized in R&D ( Research and Development) 
this industry manufactures the Electronic, Hardware & software goods. it is one the major employment generation industry for the India as well as this industry has also provided employment opportunity to women & about 30 % of the people employed in this sector are women.
This sector has increased its contribution to India's GDP from 1.2% in 1998 to 7.5% in 2012. IT industry directly employing 2.8 million people and indirectly employing 8.9 million people in India & Making it a dominant player in the global outsourcing sector(In the fiscal year 2012).
In fact, the IT industry has been a major Foreign exchange earner in the last few years because of its fast-growing BPOs(Bussiness Processes Outsourcing) sector.The continued growth in Hardware & Software technologies is the key to the success of IT industry in India.
IT industry has now provided India a Special position in the industrial world.Software technology parks provided single window service & High data communication facility to software experts.

presently there are 18 software technology parks in India
Areas:  mainly located in Bangaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Noida, Pune, Mumbai, Jaipur, Mohali, Srinagar, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Indore, Vishakhapatnam, Thiruvananthapuram & Bhubaneshwar.
